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Hiring Our Heroes Corporate Fellowship Program

Hiring Our Heroes Corporate Fellowship Program

Finding talent and diversity through a strategic talent pipeline

Over the past decade, Liberty Mutual has invested heavily in expanding and developing our seven Employee Resource Groups (ERG) to advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts and provide a more inclusive and equitable workplace for all.

Of all the different initiatives and programs that have launched, Valor@Liberty, our military, veteran and allies ERG, advocated and led Liberty Mutual to adopt the “Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) Corporate Fellowship Program. This is a Department of Defense program that provides transition assistance to service members with professional training and hands-on experience in the civilian workforce while still on active-duty service, and at no cost to host companies (or agencies) for up to 12 weeks. Following the fellowship, fellows and host companies negotiate future steps and potential full-time employment.

Against a backdrop of workforce shifts and increased retirements, this program helps Liberty Mutual identify and retain experienced hires who are seeking career change, have demonstrated valuable skillsets, and can enhance the workplace with their unique military experience and background. From 2020-2022, Liberty Mutual welcomed 39 Fellows across three cohorts, with a 91 percent full-time placement with the company at the end of their fellowship. In 2023, we increased our cohort size to over 30 Fellows.

For more information, please visit or reach out the Big I Diversity Council Association for Independent Agents | Grow Your Business Through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

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